Identity, Strategy,
Collaterals, Curation+ Copy

Pi Grass Labs is a collaborative AI based technology start-up  that enables a wide range of clients, ranging from sectors that incluce Banking, Financial Services, Telecom and the Automobile industry to deep dive into artificial intelligence technologies for further exploration in diverse set of operations. clients to build scalable solutions on learning engines or low code framework for AI models.  

The Pi Grass Labs brand had to both tap into and be representative of the infinite possibilities of AI.

With a wide range of potential use cases, the brand had to feel future facing and iconic, yet at the same time feel identifiable and visually interesting. In initial meetings, one of the key directions that was discussed was to strike a balance between technical expertise, theoretical jargon and conversational flair, a way to counter the more popular culture based common perception of AI as some kind of robot monster (think Skynet, or Ultron), which then bled into even the visual language that many of the brand’s competitors used. Visually, the brand, soon to enter new markets, had to guide users into an experience of their own making, defining a brand whose purpose, at its core was to solve problems.

“A generative identity with possibilities as endless as the constant Pi”

With an identity rooted in the infinite generative possibilities of AI, the mathematical possibilities the name of the brand originated in, as well as drawing inspiration from the form of one of the oldest methods of computing, the punchcard system, the brand’s primary identifier was designed on a 9x20 grid that was based on an individual punch card, while the icons were designed on a square grid, most commonly a  15*15 one.

Breaking up each letter (P, G/g, and L) into abstract constituent elements allowed the brand to define a visual key that could form a range of variations of each character constrained within the proportions of the pixel grid, and created a range of variations of the PGL mark, with one selected as a primary mark for identification and in cases where the brand is introduced.For ease of use, many of the designed collateral utilised this primary mark during the inital rollout of the brand.

This project was done in collaboration with Hanit Khanchandani, who worked on supporting collalteral and the  website’s information design. For more information on Pi Grass Labs, check out their website *here*, as coded by the in house development team. A more elaborate case study of the PGL illustration styles and illustrations created for the website is coming soon.