Identity, Strategy,
Collaterals + Copy

As one of the new brands under Ekutir under their new overall brand portfolio restructuring, Flex took the place of the training and knowledge sharing aspects of the erstwile farmex application for crop management and upskilling agripreneurs. With a brand that needed to more align with the rooted, empathetic process utilised, there was a need that could build a brand that could stand on its own, remain contemporary, rooted in its own tradition, but at the same time present a relatable face to users across a wide range of cultures, spanning Asia and Africa.

“There is so little, yet so much we all have in common”

The Flex Brand’s primary visual identifier draws from simple roots, that which agripreneurs across the global south share in common; Simple elements of nature like the sun, the way fields are sown, and simple tools that they use to grow. When paired with simple visuals and Gambarino designed by  Theo Guillard, supported by Roboto for its versataility in scripts and support for multiple languages, the brand presents itself in an elegant manner that appeals to audiences at the end user level-- in our case, one that exists in agricultural communities throughout the globe, both in urban and rural mileus, one that exists in the presentations and discussions of a world of non profits and grants, and yet remains a brand that distinctively stands out of the visual clutter. 

Along with the identity for Flex, a sub-brand, the Farmer’s Panchayat Podcast was designed as well.

The Primary identifier of the brand represents an abstract visual of five seeds in a circle (a reference to the paanch in the panchayat, as well as circular economies), to form a simplistic floral mark.

Staying true to the principles of sustainability, the visual identity of the podcast utilised the same typography and colors as it’s parent brand, but in a different manner that draws vague visual reference from street posters, a common mode of communication in suburban and rural india, pairing contrasting colors together with frames and forms designed based on the torn edges of layers of wheatpasted posters.

Ekutir, the parent brand of Flex, and Allin, another sub brand under the same umbrella are  both projects that can be viewed here on this site. Images courtesy of Unsplash and Visual Karsa.